OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a credit rating to PAO TransFin-M. The rating is "BBB+" on the international scale and "AA+" on the national scale, in both cases with a stable outlook.

The rating is based on good asset quality and a low delinquency ratio, healthy profits, and the support of the Company’s ultimate beneficiary in the form of both debt and shareholder financing.

Constraining factors include a leasing portfolio concentrated on rail transport assets.

About the Company

PAO TransFin-M is a public joint-stock company that extends both capital and operating leases on rail transport equipment. It has been active in leasing since 2005. The Company is controlled by OAO Obyedinenniye Kreditniye Sistemy [trs. United Credit Systems OJSC], which is controlled in turn by the Blagosostoyaniye non-state pension fund, which handles RZD Russian Railways pension programmes.

As of 31 March 2015 capital adequacy was technically a moderate 8.2%, but the Company can convert some bonds into shares. Borrowed funds are split more or less evenly between rouble bonds (held mainly by banks and pension funds) and (mostly rouble-denominted) loans from Russian banks, some of which take the form of investment financing. Asset quality is judged healthy, based mainly on a leasing portfolio with a low delinquency ratio; the portfolio is concentrated heavily on rail transport equipment. Profitability is healthy. Liquidity is sufficient. Risk sensitivity is moderate.