“MOESK” Renovates Sviblovo Substation to Increase the Power Supply Reliability in the North-Eastern Moscow
OREANDA-NEWS. As part of large-scale reconstruction of 220 kV Sviblovo Substation PJSC “MOESK” (belonging to “Rosseti” Company Group) dismantles the electric grid equipment being unique for the capital city - the gas-insulated switchgear and control gear - in order to replace by the modern models.
The value of the work-in-progress was assessed by the journalists as part of the press-tour carried out with participation of “MOESK” management.
The electric equipment being dismantled was the first equipment of its kind installed at the Moscow substation 37 years ago (in 1978) to ensure reliable power supply for the Moscow 1980 Olympic Games. The equipment is designed for the reception, transmission and distribution of 220 kV electric power. The gas-insulated switchgear and control gear is 320 sq. m in area, 7 m high and weighs more than 50 tons. After dismantling some of the equipment will be donated to the “MOESK” Museum.
The works are implemented within the framework of the investment program of the Central Electric Grids, “MOESK” branch. The gas engineering operations related to the reconstruction of the 220 kV gas-insulated switchgear and control gear at Sviblovo Substation are carried out by the gas-insulated equipment repair and maintenance team formed on the basis of the branch. It has been formed as part of the rational approach taken by “MOESK” in relation to the manufacturing process and its refusal from the services of foreign companies.
Later on a modern model of the gas-insulated switchgear and control gear being equivalent to the dismantled one, but enhancing the quality, reliability and safety of the electric power supply in the North-Eastern Moscow within the 10 kV grid, will be installed. Such reconstruction involving the obsolete equipment replacement will allow increasing the power transfer capability at the Sviblovo Substation and connecting new consumers to the electric grids.
As part of the final stage it is planned to install two modern autotransformers with a capacity of 250 MVA each and four voltage regulating transformers with capacity of 63 MVA each. These works are expected to increase the substation capacity and improve the operating safety of the electrical equipment.
According to the Deputy Director, Chief Engineer of the Central Electric Grids of PJSC “MOESK” Pavel Samylov, the reconstruction project involves the use of the most modern technical solutions.“The first gas-insulated equipment of the capital ensured the reliable electric power supply for the Muscovites for nearly 40 years. Nowadays it does not meet the up-to-date requirements. The new equipment is distinguished by improved reliability, increased power transfer capability and high degree of automation. The advanced technologies to be applied are thought to reduce the operating costs and to increase the planned repair interval”, he said.
The investments in the Sviblovo Substation Project will exceed RUR 1 bln.