Implementation of Compact Programme in Moldova is successful, says US official
The officials focused on the achievements of the first phase of the Compact Programme and its benefits for Moldovan citizens. At the same time, the sides stressed the need to continue the projects under the Compact Programme and extend them to other priority areas.
The interim prime minister highly appreciated the impact of the implementation of projects funded within the Compact Programme on road infrastructure and sustainable agriculture, stressing that thanks to this support the Moldovan government was taking concrete steps to achieve the objectives envisaged in the EU-Moldova Association Agreement.
"We hope to expand the programme, especially in the energy sector, both in terms of infrastructure development, and diversifying and exploiting alternative energy sources. Energy security is a strategic priority of the Moldovan government, "said Natalia Gherman.
Natalia Gherman thanked the US government for their contribution within the Compact Programme. "Thanks to this we support we strengthen the strategic partnership between the government of Moldova and the US government", said Natalia Gherman.
For her part, the Millennium Challenge Corporation deputy vice president noted that the implementation of the Compact Programme in Moldova was a success. "This is just the beginning of a collaboration for the development and modernisation of Moldova," said Fatema Sumar. Furthermore, the US official referred to the importance of involving the Moldovan government in ensuring the sustainability of the implemented projects.
Natalia Gherman will travel to New York in September, to meet with managers of the Compact Programme Board in order to assess the prerequisites for launching the second Compact Programme.
Compact Programme is a programme of assistance offered to Moldova by the US government through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, for the period 2010-2015. Investments are made within two of the Compact Programme projects: Transition to High Value Agriculture and Road Rehabilitation.