Battery Market capacity in Russia is close to 7 million units
OREANDA-NEWS. The need of Russian car owners in batteries in 2014 was estimated at 6,870,000 units. These data are presented in the marketing report "Calculation of market capacity of automotive components and spare parts for passenger cars in Russia." The calculation was made according to the estimates of the secondary market, based on the average service life of the battery in 4 years (that is how much the battery is used with proper care and non-rigid mode of operation), and on the actively exploited parc of 33.2 million passenger cars. The size of the battery market capacity, as experts specify, may fluctuate in a rather wide range, because it can affect the strong dependence of battery life on the climatic conditions.
Among domestic enterprises the leader on volumes of production by the results of 2014 was the Battery Plant "ACOM". According to the analytical agency "AUTOSTAT", the share of imported from abroad batteries is 46% of the battery market, the share of Russian ones - 54%.