EuroSibEnergo is planning to repair 9 km of heating systems in Nizhniy Novgorod
This is company Teploseti (which forms a part of group EuroSibEnergo) that realizes the repair of the heating systems.
«PLC Teploseti continues to prepare the exploitable heat supply facilities for the coming heating season. For one month and a half, hydraulic tests of heating systems have been completed by 43%. The main task of the current stage is to replace decrepit parts of the systems, following the results of the analysis of accident rate during the past heating period and the results of technical diagnostics», - press service announces.
It has been stressed that by the end of summer 2015 the maintenance teams have to replace 9 km of main and district networks. 3 km have been already overhauled, and 1 more km is in process of repairing. From the beginning of 2015 the power engineering specialists have already replaced tubing on Molodezhniy avenue, Druzhaev street and South highway in Avtozavodskoy region.
Moreover, the program of major repairs of PLC Teploseti supposes the replacement of tubing with highways transition in 26 parts of heating networks in Avtozavodskoy region and 13 parts of heating networks in Leninskiy region.
It is emphasized in the report, that «in the near future Dyakonov and Lvovskaya Streets in Avtozavodskoy region and Bauman Street in Leninskiy region of Nizhniy Novgorod will be blocked because of repairs».