06.07.2015, 18:18
DPK: On completion of the project
OREANDA-NEWS. In accordance with the Article 59 of the Financial Instruments Market Law JSC „Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” informs its investors that on 7 July 2015 it has finished implementation of the project „Creation of production facilities on the free production areas of JSC “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca”” within the framework of the sub-activity “Support for investment into creation or renovation of production facilities” of the addendum to the Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovations”.
The total actual eligible project cost is EUR 2 783 155.79, from which the support funding is 50% or EUR 1 391 577.90.
The appropriate final report is being submitted to Investment and Development Agency of Latvia.
The total actual eligible project cost is EUR 2 783 155.79, from which the support funding is 50% or EUR 1 391 577.90.
The appropriate final report is being submitted to Investment and Development Agency of Latvia.