Results of VEB Delegation's Participation in PIEF-2015
OREANDA-NEWS. In the course of the Petersburg International Economic Forum-2015 Vnesheconombank Chairman Vladimir Putin took part in a plenary session "Time to act: by joint efforts toward stability and growth". He also spoke at a session organized by Vnesheconombank "Russia's regions: creating and enhancing points of growth".
Vnesheconombank Chairman also participated in a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the PIEF International Expert Council and representatives of the world's investment community, he took part in the Second Session of the Russian-Chinese Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation.
"European business's interest in Russian investments is not diminishing. Our partners in Italy and Europe are not searching or courses of problems, they are searching for ways to address problems. And for them Russia has been an open, attractive market for a long time and they are not going to lose ground because in the long run they can make money, generate profits on this market".
The Development Award ceremony was held as part of the 19th Petersburg International Economic Forum. The Award was instituted by Vnesheconombank. The awards were presented by Sergei Ivanov, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation, and Vladimir Dmitriev, Chairman of Vnesheconombank.
Vnesheconombank and the Greek Ministry of Reconstruction of Production, Environment & Energy made a joint statement on the Development of Infrastructure in Greece. In order to implement the project Russia and Greece are to establish a joint venture on a parity basis. VEB Capital is to represent the Russian side and Greece is to be represented by an energy investment company.
First Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board Petr Fradkov participated in a round-table discussion of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives on "Administrative Barriers in BRICS - what hampers the development of trade and business?"
First Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman, Member of the BoardAndrei Sapelin took part in a panel session "Russia's industrial policy: How to set priorities?"
Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman (chief economist), Member of the Board Andrei Klepach participated in a panel session "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises as a Driver of Russia's Economic Growth"and he also participated in a session of the Valdai Club "Economic interdependence versuspolitical isolation".
Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board Sergei Vasiliev spoke at panel discussions "the SCO Business Forum" and "the BRICS Business Forum. He and FCPF Director General A. Bazhenov held talks with leaders of the Komi Republic and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district.
Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman Irina Makieva spoke at a plenary meeting of the First Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Forum and she also participated in a panel session "Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises as a Driver of Russia's Economic Growth".