FBK to Audit Major Nuclear Companies
The FBK auditors will review the financial statements prepared in accordance with RAS for 2015 of the companies under the Rosenergoatom State Corporation, its subsidiaries and a number of companies under the TVEL fuel company.
According to the project manager Natalia Kulakova, FBK Assurance and Audit associate director, carrying out the audit of Rosatom companies and its successful completion is one of the FBK key priorities.
State Corporation for Atomic Energy ROSATOM (SC Rosatom) incorporates civil companies of the Russian nuclear industry, the companies of the nuclear weapons complex, research organizations and the nuclear icebreaker fleet. Rosatom is the largest generating company in Russia, it is in the leading position in the global market of nuclear technologies providing 40% of the world market for uranium enrichment and 17% of the nuclear fuel market.