OREANDA-NEWS. AUTOBACS SEVEN Co., Ltd. (“the Company,” Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer: Setsuo Wakuda), announces the interim results of acquisition of its own shares, under Article 156 of the Japan’s Corporation Law, as applied pur suant to Article 165, paragraph 3 of the same law.

1. Period of acquisition: From June 1 , 201 5 through June 3 0 , 201 5
2. To tal number of shares acquired: 56 0,000 shares
3. Total cos t of acquisition: 1,134,086,9 00 yen

1. Resolution at the meeting of its Board of Directors held on May 8, 201 5

1) Type of shares to be acquired: shares of common stock of the Company
2) Aggregate number of shares to be acquired: up to 2 , 5 00,000 shares; 2 . 9 % of total shares outstanding (excluding treasu ry stock)
3) Aggregate purchas e price of shares: up to JPY 5, 5 00,000,000 4) Acquisition period: from May 1 3 , 201 5 to February 2 9 , 201 6

2. Total number of shares acquired and cost of acquisition on and after the Board of Directors' meeting h eld on May 8, 201 5 (following fig ures are as of February 29 , 201 6 )

1) Total numb er of shares acquired: 1,080 ,000 shares
2) Total co st of acquisition: 2,149,127,900 yen

3. Number of treasu ry stock held as of June 3 0 , 201 5

1) Number of treasury stock sh ares: 1,484, 779 shares (excluding odd - lot shares purchased direct ly from shareholders in June 201 5 )
2) Total number of outstanding shares: 8 6 ,950,105 shares