OREANDA-NEWS. June 30, 2015. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced today its immediate issuance of the Mitsubishi Electric Group's environmental report for the fiscal year that ended in March, which documents that the Group mostly achieved its targets, including for total carbon dioxide emissions from product use and manufacturing operations. Investment in environmental initiatives came to 4.5 billion yen, or approximately 36 million US dollars.

The report (www.MitsubishiElectric.com/company/environment) reviews the operations of Mitsubishi Electric and its 112 domestic and 79 overseas affiliates, focusing on efforts to contribute to low-carbon, recycling-oriented societies, including meeting targets and implementing policies set under the Mitsubishi Electric Group's three-year environmental plan.

Key Initiatives and Results
1)  Carbon dioxide emissions from 107 products decreased by an average of 33 percent since fiscal 2001 due to improved energy efficiency.
Products that achieve improved energy efficiency from the previous year are designated as "eco-products." Carbon dioxide emissions generated by 107 Mitsubishi Electric eco-products were reduced by 33 percent on average compared to fiscal 2001, achieving the target of 27 percent or more. Major initiatives involved refrigeration systems and automotive equipment. Emissions generated by the use of 124 products were cut by 78.36 million tons, up from 64.0 million tons in the previous year.
2)  Total carbon dioxide emissions from production operations were reduced to 950,000 tons by replacing air conditioners and lighting, and other initiatives.
Carbon dioxide emissions from production activities totaled 950,000 tons, achieving the target of 970,000 tons or lower. Emissions were reduced by improvements made in facilities and on production lines. For facilities, cuts were achieved mainly by replacing air conditioners and lighting, and by increasing the use of in-house photovoltaic systems by 1.1 megawatts to 15.8 megawatts. Energy loss was reduced on production lines through the installation and utilization of energy monitoring and control systems.
3)  Final-waste disposal by affiliates outside Japan achieved the target rate of below 1.0 percent.
The final-waste disposal rate, or the amount sent directly to landfills divided by total waste and saleable materials, dropped below the 1.0 percent level to reach 0.87 percent at Mitsubishi Electric affiliates outside Japan. The achievement was due to initiatives such as the separation and recycling of multi-material packaging. Mitsubishi Electric's rate was 0.001 percent and that of Japanese affiliates was 0.07 percent.