OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings assigns the following ratings to the Short Puttable Exempt Adjustable Receipts (SPEARs) and Long Inverse Floating Exempt Receipts (LIFERs) of the Deutsche Bank SPEARs/LIFERs Trust series listed below:

--Series DB-1040 SPEARs 'AA/F1', Stable Outlook; Series DB-1040 LIFERs 'AA', Stable Outlook;
--Series DB-1042 SPEARs 'AA+/F1', Stable Outlook; Series DB-1042 LIFERs 'AA+', Stable Outlook;
--Series DB-1048 SPEARs 'AA-/F1', Stable Outlook; Series DB-1048 LIFERs 'AA-', Stable Outlook;
--Series DB-1052 SPEARs 'AA+/F1', Stable Outlook; Series DB-1052 LIFERs 'AA+', Stable Outlook;
--Series DB-1076 SPEARs 'AA/F1', Negative Outlook; Series DB-1076 LIFERs 'AA', Negative Outlook.


The long-term 'AA', Stable Outlook ratings assigned to the series DB-1040 SPEARs and LIFERs are based on the rating that Fitch has assigned to the County of Franklin, Ohio Hospital Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A (OhioHealth Corporation) (rated 'AA', Stable Outlook) that have been deposited in the trust.

The long-term 'AA+', Stable Outlook ratings assigned to the series DB-1042 SPEARs and LIFERs are based on the rating that Fitch has assigned to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority General Revenue Refunding Bonds, 2011 Series C (rated 'AA+', Stable Outlook) that have been deposited in the trust.

The long-term 'AA-', Stable Outlook ratings assigned to the series DB-1048 SPEARs and LIFERs are based on the rating that Fitch has assigned to the Southern California Public Power Authority Milford Wind Corridor Phase II Project, revenue bonds, 2011-1 (rated 'AA-', Stable Outlook) that have been deposited in the trust.

The long-term 'AA+', Stable Outlook ratings assigned to the series DB-1052 SPEARs and LIFERs are based on the rating that Fitch has assigned to the Massachusetts School Building Authority senior dedicated sales tax bonds, 2011 series B (rated 'AA+', Stable Outlook) that have been deposited in the trust.

The long-term 'AA', Negative Outlook ratings assigned to the series DB-1076 SPEARs and LIFERs are based on the rating that Fitch has assigned to the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois general obligation limited tax project and refunding bonds, series 2012B (rated 'AA', Negative Outlook) that have been deposited in the trust.

The 'F1' short-term ratings assigned to the SPEARs are based on the liquidity facilities provided by Deutsche Bank AG New York Branch (rated 'A/F1, Negative Outlook) securing the SPEARs. The short-term ratings will expire on June 15, 2016, the expiration date of the liquidity facilities, unless each date is extended or earlier terminated.

The short-term rating assigned to the SPEARs reflects the short-term rating that Fitch maintains on the bank providing liquidity support and will be adjusted upward or downward in conjunction with the short-term rating of the bank, and, in some cases, the long-term rating of the underlying bond deposited in the trust. The long-term ratings assigned to the SPEARs and LIFERs are exclusively tied to the creditworthiness of the underlying bonds deposited in the trust and will reflect all changes to the underlying bond ratings.