Lockheed Martin’s Archbald Facility Earns Governor’s ImPAct Award for Exports
Lockheed Martin was one of five finalists from northeastern Pennsylvania in the Export ImPAct category. The award recognizes companies that have significantly increased their export sales and reach into international markets.
“Lockheed Martin is recognized as a leader in the Commonwealth for their growth in export sales, which has led to new Pennsylvania jobs,” Team Pennsylvania Foundation President Laura Williams said. “We are pleased to celebrate Lockheed Martin's success.”
Lockheed Martin Archbald employees are working on a commercial venture with the Shanghai-based State Nuclear Power Automation System Engineering Company (SNPAS) to provide reactor protection systems for the next generation of China’s civil nuclear power plants. SNPAS is a subsidiary of China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation.
Additionally, the site’s Precision Guided Systems line of business is executing direct commercial sale and U.S. Government foreign military sale contracts to allied nations for delivery of PavewayTM II Plus Laser Guided Bomb kits and Enhanced Laser Guided Training Rounds to address operational and training requirements.
“Lockheed Martin has a highly skilled workforce in Archbald,” said Dr. Peter Rosecrans, the facility’s general manager. “New business abroad keeps our employees engaged, production lines moving and manufacturing costs down. Commercial nuclear energy is a core growth market for Lockheed Martin, and gives over two dozen of our engineers the opportunity to develop nuclear safety products for export.”
The approximately 420 employees at the Archbald facility design and manufacture precision systems for both military and civil customers.