"TRASTA KOMERCBANKA" Financial Report for Q1 2015
Compared to year end of 2014, the Bank's assets in the 1st quarter of 2015 have not changed significantly, amounting to EUR 573.43 million, which is only by EUR 7.68 million less than the final figure of 2014. Accordingly, by the end of the reporting period, the amount of attracted deposits was EUR 486.14 million, but the Bank's loan portfolio amounted to EUR 101.46 million. The Bank ended 1 st quarter of 2015 at a loss of EUR 0.85 million, which is basically due to investments the Bank made in business development and strategy changes. The Bank believes these investments will underpin the Bank's long-term strategy and development. The Bank's capital and reserves as at 31 March 2015 amounted to EUR 41.45 million.
The Bank's consolidation group consists of the subsidiary companies: “TKB L?zings” and its subsidiary “TKB Leasing Tajikistan”, “TKB LU” and “Project 1”; and also “Heckbert C7 Holdings” and its subsidiary „Ferrous Kereskedelmi KFT”. The amount of Group’s assets as at the end of the reporting period was EUR 562.38 million, which is by EUR 11.75 million less than the final figure of 2014. The Group ended the first quarter of 2015 with a loss of EUR 2.40 million.