Belgorod power engineers to install innovative proprietary poles of IDGC of Centre
IDGC of Centre received the patent for the steel multifaceted poles in February 2014. According to experts, these are technically and economically feasible alternatives of anchor metal and wooden poles of 0.4 kV on the basis of steel multifaceted racks. Compared to them, they are far more reliable and durable. For example, if the service life of reinforced concrete poles is 36 years, timber - 25, then steel - about 50 years. In addition, their design features make it possible to significantly increase the speed of installation and the estimated length of spans, which reach 40 metres.
New poles are fireproof and resistant to icing and wind loads, and in addition, equipped with attachment points for a variety of equipment: remote metering boxes, cross-arms for bare wires, street lighting, and cable terminations. Given the lack of demand for certain materials and fittings: anchor brackets, plates, bandage tape, binders - all this greatly reduces logistics costs, as well as the costs of construction and grid connection.
According to experts, steel multifaceted poles do not require close monitoring of technical condition, compact, aesthetic and vandal resistant that is in demand especially in areas with dense residential development. Their application will contribute to the reduction of technological failures on overhead lines, the optimization of operating costs and as a result increasing reliability of electricity supply to consumers.