Proven in series production - Innovative measuring and testing technology from Bosch
The interferometric distance sensor WPD has been developed for measuring tasks with highest precision requirements. The measurement rate of up to 50 kHz reduces significantly the measurement time compared to tactile systems. The non-contact optical measurement principle can even detect sensitive surfaces without damage or distortion.
The FMS100 was developed to verify rotationally symmetrical industrial precision parts. Rotational speeds up to 100 revolutions per minute and optical probe arms enable rapid measurements of inside and outside geometries. Typical tasks include measurement of roundness and straightness, taper, and diameter. The contact-free optical probe arms allow the measurement of the parallelism of very thin objects (e.g. microscopic bores or pins) without changing them through the contact force. These solutions have been proven in Bosch manufacturing and enable the economic and automated use of measurement technology with nanometer resolution in the production environment.
The flatness FTP40 system allows the rapid measurement of two opposed parallel surfaces in a single measurement, without moving the measuring object. The result: a very high precision and a significant reduction in cycle time. The system is used for rapid measurement of flatness, thickness, and parallelism. The FTP40 is characterized by a high resolution and accuracy, short cycle time, contact-free and wear-free measurement.
The modular Visual Inspection Systems VMI100 and VMD200 are used for the visual inspection of standard parts. The test characteristics are emphasized by optimized illumination and allow the operator to test components over a longer period of time without fatigue. The systems are delivered ready to use as a package with computer, software, camera, lenses, tripod, and illumination. On request, various customer applications can be realized. Also, a wide range of accessories is available.
Bosch presents its solutions at the Geneva Trade Fair, EPHJ 2015 from June 2nd to 5th, 2015, booth M114.