OREANDA-NEWS. May 20, 2015. The Bank of Russia took the following decisions:

to include in the register of unit investment funds information on the joint-stock company Credit Europe Bank acting as an agent for the issuance, redemption and exchange of investment units of the following funds managed by Capital Management Company, limited liability company:

Capital — Energy, open-end equity unit investment fund,

Capital — Bonds, open-end bond unit investment fund,

Capital — Balanced, open-end mixed unit investment fund,

Capital — Prospective Investments, open-end equity unit investment fund,

Capital — Global Retail Sector, open-end mixed unit investment fund,

Capital — Gold, open-end funds unit investment fund,

Capital — Global Sports, open-end equity unit investment fund;

to strike off from the register of unit investment funds information on the public joint-stock company The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development acting as an agent for the issuance, redemption and exchange of investment units of the following funds managed by Capital Management Company, limited liability company:

Capital — Energy, open-end equity unit investment fund,

Capital — Bonds, open-end bond unit investment fund,

Capital — Balanced, open-end mixed unit investment fund,

Capital — Prospective Investments, open-end equity unit investment fund,

Capital — Global Retail Sector, open-end mixed unit investment fund,

Capital — Gold, open-end funds unit investment fund,

Capital — Global Sports, open-end equity unit investment fund;

to strike off BALTINVEST — Bonds, open-end bond unit investment fund managed by BALTINVEST UK, limited liability company, from the register of unit investment funds;

to strike off BALTINVEST — Financial Sector, open-end equity unit investment fund managed by BALTINVEST UK, limited liability company, from the register of unit investment funds;

to register amendments and addenda to the rules of organisation and internal controls of the Novosibirsk-based BrokerCreditService Real Estate Funds Management Company, limited liability company;

to register amendments and addenda to the rules of organisation and internal controls of the Novosibirsk-based closed joint-stock company BrokerCreditService Management Company.