OREANDA-NEWS. Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici today participated in the official opening of Soroca fortress, which, for nearly two years, was under restoration. On this occasion, as well as in the context of marking Europe Day, an international festival was organised in Soroca, and European town was inaugurated there. Attending the event were top officials, representatives of diplomatic staff and thousands of guests.

In his speech, the premier said "today, we are witnessing one of the most important moments in life, namely, re-opening of monument linking past to the present and future".

"Someone said that the best and beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt from the heart, and Soroca fortress is one of places from our country where we do not need pompous words and long descriptions. The Soroca fortress must be seen with heart", he noted.

Also, the premier thanked the funders of project, namely, the EU, as well as the director of the compound, Nicolae Bulat. 

Subsequently, the premier visited the European town and Soroca fortress. He admired exhibitions of medieval objects and theater plays representing historical scenes.

Three access roads to the fortress are being restored within the project on reconstruction of the Soroca fortress, from the funds of government and Soroca district council, 10 million lei being earmarked to this end.

Bulat said that the project would continue. Thus, the Soroca fortress will participate in the second stage of the Moldova-Romania cross border project. At the same time, windows and flags will be purchased, and samples of old weapons and objects of the age will be installed.