As of May 1 amount of National Wealth Fund was 76.33 billion dollars
OREANDA-NEWS. As of May 1, 2015, the aggregate amount of the National Wealth Fund was 3 946.42 billion rubles which is equivalent to 76.33 billion US dollars including:
1) In separate accounts to record funds of the National Wealth Fund with the Bank of Russia:
* 20.98 billion US dollars;
* 21.99 billion euros;
* 4.03 billion pounds sterlings;
2) 195.03 billion rubles and 6.25 billion US dollars were deposited with Vnesheconombank.
3) under an individual decision by the Russian Government 3.00 billion US dollars were placed in debt instruments of foreign states without placing demands on long-term credit ratings.
4) in bonds of Russian issuers related to implementing infrastructure projects, a list of which is approved by the Russian Government -112.63billion rubles and 1.21 billion US dollars;
5) in preferred shares of credit institutions - 278.99 billion rubles;
6) on deposits of OJSC Bank VTGB and Bank GPB (JSC) in order to fund infrastructure projects a list of which is approved by the Russian Government - 164.4 billion rubles.
The aggregate calculated income from placing funds of the National Wealth Fund in foreign currency accounts of the Bank of Russia recalculated in dollars for a period from January 15 to April 30, 2015, was 0.01 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to 0.59 billion rubles. The exchange rate difference from recalculating monetary resources of the Fundfrom January 1 to April 30, 2015 was a negative value of (-)432.23 billion rubles including:
* balances in foreign exchange accounts with the Bank of Russia - (-)377.49 billion rubles;
* funds deposited with Vnesheconombank in US dollars -(-) 28.49 billion rubles;
* funds placed in debt instruments of foreign states without placing demands on long-term credit ratings -(-)13.66 billion rubles.
* foreign-currency denominated bonds of Russian issuersrelated to implementing infrastructure projects, a list of which is approved by the Russian Government - (-)12.59 billion rubles.
In April of 2015, incomes from placing financial resources of the National Wealth Fund on Vnesheconombank's deposits were transferred in the federal budget in the amount of2.34 billion rubles.The aggregate income from placing financial resources of the Fund on Vnesheconombank's deposits from January to April of 2015 was 8.32 billion rubles which is equivalent to 0.14 billion US dollars.
In order to co-finance the formation of pension savings of insured persons who paid additional insurance premiums on a funded portion of their labor pension in 2014, in April of 2015, a part of the National Wealth Fund's financial resources in the foreign currencies in the Bank of Russia's accounts, namely, 0.08 billion US dollars, 0.07 billion euros and 0.01 pounds sterlings was sold for 9.43 billion rubles and the funds received were placed into the account to record funds of the federal budget.
In April of 2015, in accordance with para5 of article 96.10 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation and subject to Russian Government Resolution dated January 19, 2008, № 18and Russian Government Executive Order dated April 15, 2015,№ 660-rmonetary resources of the National Wealth Fund in the amount of 38.43 billion rubles were placed on a subordinated deposit with Bank GPB (JSC), with the deposit to be returned in December of 2042 and interest to be charged:
* on the amount of 21.73 billion rubles - at a rate equal to inflation rate in the Russian Federation increased by 1% per annum but no less than 1% per annum( interest payments are to be made annuallystarting in 2022, till 2022 interest is to be charged and capitalized);
* on the amount of 16.70 billion rubles at a rate calculated on the basis of interest rates established by the Bank of Russia upon conducting deposit transactions at fixed interest rates (interest payments are to be made annually).
In April of 2015, using monetary resources of the National Wealth Fund raised on the subordinated deposit, Bank GPB (JSC) purchased bonds of the state-run company Avtodor in the total par value of 21.73 billion rubles in order to fund an investment project "the Central Circular Automobile Road" (the Moscow Region) included in the list of investment projects being implemented by legal entities in financial assets of which monetary resources of the National Wealth Fund (or) pension savingsunder trust management of a state managing company are placed on a reimbursable basis. The list was approvedby executive order of the Russian Government dated November 2013, № 2044-r.