Schwabe Has Created Technology for Pulping New Material
OREANDA-NEWS. In searching an additional application of its process cababilities the Schwabe Holding enterprise is mastering new scheres of activity.
Along with fulfilment of orders for space explorations, the specialists of one of the Schwabe Hoolding's leading enterprises, Lytkarino optical glass factory OJSC (LOGF OJSC), has taken on the manufacture of products designed for medical purposes. The "test of the pen" has become a prototype of glassof "Cemion" grade for its subsequent processing into light cured fillings being used in dentistry.
The first experimental batches of glass granulate have been pulped at the eneterprise from the initial mixture (furnace charge). The pulping conditions required to provide the temperature of 1,4500C with maximum heating rate and its maintaining until the moment of pouring-out.
According to preliminary data LJGF OJSC will produce the Cemion glass granulate in the volume up to ten tons per annum. In addition, in order to improve the engineering process, the factory's specialists have proceeded to establishing a special plant for pouring out the liquid glass melt into water.
"In the conditions of the course taken by the country to achieve maximum import substitution, it is important to yse all our capacilities. And the production and R&D capacities of Schwabe emteprises allows to achieve a lot. The main thing is to respond, sensitively and operatationally, to industrial and consumer demands. At present the light cured filling is a bery expensive material, in particular, because of the fact that they are predominantly purchased abroad", underlined Sergey Maksin, general director, Schwabe JSC.
The enterprise's management is going to continue developing the new direction of its activity expanding the participation in the manufacture of materials and devices for medical purposes.