OREANDA-NEWS. The members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board were discharged for the financial year 2014 by a large majority of the shareholders. The shareholders also agreed with the suggestion of the Lufthansa Supervisory Board member, to accept Stephan Sturm, Board of Managers for Finance at Fresenius Management SE, as a new member of the board. Sturm is replacing Jacques Aigrain, who resigned his mandate as a member of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG at the close of the General Meeting.  The shareholders‘ meeting also decided that the Management Board may, with the agreement of the Supervisory Board, increase the share capital of the company by 28 April 2020 by one or several issues of new, registered non-par shares (authorised capital A).  Furthermore, the Management Board was again empowered to purchase and use company shares, as well as purchase company shares by employing derivatives up to 28 April 2020. Also a new Management Contract was concluded and agreement given to the amendment of the existing profit distribution contract of the Deutsche Lufthansa AG and the Delvag Luftfahrtversicherungs AG. The audit company PwC was re-elected to be the auditor of the annual accounts for the financial year 2015. There were a total of nine agenda points at the General shareholders‘ meeting. The company shareholders agreed all the points with a large majority.  Detailed information of the shareholders‘ meeting is available at investor-relations.lufthansagroup.com/annual-general-meeting Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Media Relations Lufthansa Group