AvtoVAZ will open its doors to tourists this year
OREANDA-NEWS. Togliatti has long been trying to make that the auto giant began hosting tourists. Agencies in the city in a voice say that the interest in the company is huge; requests to visit the plant come from different cities of Russia. Until now, AvtoVAZ protested the conducting of tours, citing the safety. But apparently it happens, informed the website tlt.ru.
At a recent meeting with bloggers Bo Andersson said that the excursions on AvtoVAZ will start this year. Open Day, held at the company on April 18th became a rehearsal.
"As I understand it, AvtoVAZ made something like that for the first time”, - said Bo Andersson. – “We have worked with people who worked in Sochi Olympics. They say that even from Moscow people like to come here on a tour. Now we look at whether it is possible to transfer museum (Museum of the History of VAZ - Ed.). So, we could start a tour with it, to climb the skyscraper building, go on the balconies, to see the whole panorama of the plant, then go down, go to the tour of the plant and to finish the test drive. It takes two hours. We will do this in the current year. But at first, it is important to develop the right route”.