OREANDA-NEWS. Representatives of IDGC of Centre took part in the First All-Russia week of labour protection, which took place from 13 - 17 April in Sochi. The event was organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Inter-Regional Association of promoting safe working conditions "AETALON" in order to improve working conditions and safety, promote the best practices for organization of work in the field of labour protection, enhance the work culture, and make healthy lifestyles of employees. It was attended by top managers, managers and specialists of relevant departments of companies, federal agencies, and executive authorities.

Within the Week there were conferences, meetings, round tables and panel discussions held to discuss topical issues such as provision of guarantees and compensation, social security, insurance and pension coverage for employees, ways to reduce injuries and occupational diseases, special assessment of working conditions and monitoring of production environment. In addition, at its site various educational activities were carried out on issues relating to occupational safety, industrial, fire and environmental safety, including providing for final certification of specialists.

"These events are very useful and productive. They allow specialists in the field of labour protection to get new knowledge, share experiences and their own work. We hope that the holding of weeks of labour protection will become a tradition," stresses the head of occupational health and safety and environmental safety service of IDGC of Centre Elena Y. Kalinina.