BG Group revises format and content of financial disclosures
The revisions form part of an initiative that commenced in 2014 to further enhance, simplify and improve the transparency of the Group's external disclosures. The revisions reflect the promotion of Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) and Return on Average Capital Employed (ROACE) as key performance indicators for the Group, consistent with an increased focus on improving return on capital and delivering earnings and cash-flow growth. They also reflect the growing importance of Brazil and Australia on the Group's performance.
A summary of the main revisions is set out below. This should be read in conjunction with the financial disclosure extracts which reflect the Group's 2014 results in the revised format and the reconciliation between the previous and revised formats. These documents, along with the Group's 2014 results by quarter in the revised format, are available on the BG Group plc website:
EBITDA will be given equal prominence to Earnings before Interest and Tax (EBIT) and together they will replace the Group's previous performance indicator Total Operating Profit. In addition to separately identifying Depreciation, Depletion and Amortisation (DD&A) for the Group's E&P, Liquefaction and LNG businesses, the reporting of E&P and Upstream EBITDA requires the separate disclosure of Sundry depreciation. Sundry depreciation relates to non-field specific investments such as IT and office buildings and was previously reported as part of Other E&P costs.
A new EBITDA margin metric, LNG Shipping & Marketing EBITDA margin per delivered tonne, will be reported within the LNG Shipping & Marketing segment.
ROACE will be calculated on the same basis as reported in the Group's Annual Report and Accounts, representing Business Performance earnings (excluding disposals, re-measurements 2 and impairments), excluding net finance income/costs on net borrowings, as a percentage of average capital employed.
Share of Joint Venture and Associates' earnings
As part of its previous Business Performance disclosures, the Group's share of pre-tax results from Joint Ventures (JVs) and Associates was included in Total Operating Profit. Similarly, the Group's interest and tax charges previously included the Group's share of JV and Associates' interest and tax. In order to simplify the Group's disclosures and improve transparency, the Group's share of JV and Associates' results will be reported separately within each segment on a post-tax basis as part of EBITDA. Within the Upstream segment, JV and Associates' results were previously included pre-tax within Other E&P costs.
Liquefaction performance
Recognising the growing importance and materiality of the Group's QCLNG operations in Australia, the level of disclosure of liquefaction results within the Upstream segment will be increased. Operating costs, JV and Associates' results, EBITDA, DD&A and EBIT will now be separately disclosed. These disclosures will relate primarily to the Group's QCLNG operations, although results from the Group's liquefaction interests in Trinidad and Tobago and Egypt will also be included.
E&P sales volumes
In addition to existing disclosures regarding the Group's E&P production volumes, disclosure of E&P 'sales volumes' by product will be introduced. This will improve transparency of the impact of oil cargoes in transit and oil held in stock on FPSOs in Brazil, as well as fuel gas and other stock adjustments. In addition, the provision of sales volumes will enable users to reconcile the Group's reported Oil, Liquid and Gas price realisations which are derived from sold rather than produced volumes.