Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivers 1.48 million vehicles in period to March
Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 430,300 (422,400; +1.9 percent) vehicles on the overall European market in the first quarter, of which 237,500 (225,100; +5.5 percent) units were handed over in Western Europe (excluding Germany). Developments in the home market of Germany were also positive, with the brand delivering 144,100 (133,100; +8.3 percent) new vehicles to customers there. 48,600 (64,100; -24.3 percent) vehicles were handed over to customers in Central and Eastern Europe during the same period. The company delivered 18,100 (34,300; -47.2 percent) units in Russia.
Volkswagen Passenger Cars delivered 735,400 (740,100; -0.6 percent) vehicles to customers in the Asia-Pacific region in the period to March. 678,400 (682,700; -0.6 percent) units were handed over in China (incl. Hong Kong). The brand delivered 136,400 (135,800; +0.4 percent) units in the North America region, of which 79,200 (87,300; -9.3 percent) new models were handed over to their owners in the United States. In the South America region, deliveries for the period to March declined to 128,600 (151,700; -15.2 percent) units, of which 98,000 (119,600; -18.1 percent) were handed over to customers in Brazil.