SCM: Siguldas CMAS JSC Draft Resolutions to the Regular Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2015
1. To approve the reports of the Company’s Management Board and the Supervisory Board on the Annual Report for the Year 2014.
2. To approve the Annual Report for the Year 2014.
3. To pay as dividends 50 692.80 EUR from the retained earnings of 711 538.59 EUR carried forward from previous years, which is 0.12 EUR per share. To retain the earnings of the reporting year 155 915.80 EUR. To set 15 May 2015 as the dividend calculation date and 26 May 2015 as the dividend payment date.
4. To release from accountability the members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the auditor for the action in the year of account (2014) and to abjure from bringing up any claims against them.
5. To elect certified auditor Vija Dzene (certificate No. 108, V. Dzenes Audits Ltd, license No. 120) as the auditor. To confirm the remuneration of 1 600.00 EUR for the auditor for the audit of the Annual Report for the Year 2015, applicable to VAT under the effective legislation.
6. To re-elect the Audit Committee for a three-year term consisting of members as follows: Ineta B?rzi?a, Maruta Niedr?te and Ed?te Rek?vi?a. To confirm the remuneration for each member of the Audit Committee 15.00 EUR per actual work-hour.
7. Regarding amendments to the Articles of Association and denomination of the share capital from lats into euro:
7.1. To approve the Articles of Association of new edition:
7.1.1. To make amendments to paragraph 4 as follows:
'The share capital of the Company is 591 416.00 EUR. The share capital of the Company consists of 422 440 shares. The nominal value of one share is 1.40 EUR.
421 440 shares are bearer shares that give equal rights to receive a dividend, liquidation quota and voting rights in a shareholders’ meeting. 1 000 shares are personnel registered shares that may be obtained only by the members of the Management Board, and they provide equal rights limited to receiving of dividends and liquidation quotas.
All shares are dematerialized.'
7.1.2. To denominate the amount of money in paragraph 6 of the Articles of Association and to make corrections to paragraph 6 as stated below:
'The Supervisory Board is a supervisory institution of the Company which represents the interests of the shareholders in-between the meetings and supervises the actions of the Management Board within the limits of the mandate laid out in the Articles of Association. The Supervisory Board consists of five members of the Supervisory Board who from among themselves elect a Chairman of the Supervisory Board and his deputy.
For decision making on significant issues the Management Board needs the Supervisory Board’s consent. By significant issues are to be understood:
1) obtaining partnership in other companies, expanding or diminution of it;
2) obtaining or dispossessing of an enterprise;
3) obtaining, dispossessing or encumbering of real estate with rights in things;
4) opening or closing of affiliates or representative offices;
5) conclusion of deals which exceed 70 000 EUR or the amounts specified in the Supervisory Board’s resolutions;
6) providing of loans which are not related to the Company’s usual business activities;
7) providing of credits to the employees of the Company;
8) undertaking of new types of activities and termination of the exiting types of activities;
9) defining of general principles of conduct.'
7.2. To denominate Company’s shares from lats into euro, while determining that the share capital after the denomination is to be retained – 422 440 shares of nominal value 1.40 EUR each.
7.3. To determine that the date of the denomination (calculation date) of the Company’s shares is the 15th working day after the approval of the new edition of the Articles of Association with the Commercial Registry of the Registry of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia.
7.4. To make the appropriation of 9 661.97 EUR, which is the difference of the share value resulting from the denomination of the Company’s shares from lats into euro, as follows:
7.4.1. to pay to Company’s shareholders 0.02 EUR per each share; the total amount to be paid to shareholders – 8 448.80 EUR;
7.4.2. to assign to Company’s reserves 1 213.17 EUR.