ARMZ Uranium Holding shared the experience in preparation of public reports at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University
GSOM is one of structural educational and scientific departments of the St. Petersburg State University, a leading national center for education and research. Considerable attention is paid to training programs in the field of CSR and non-financial reporting. Representatives of various major companies, whose experience might be useful for the students, make reports as invited experts at the Institute.
ARMZ Uranium Holding is a mining arm of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, one of the leaders of the global uranium market. The company implements a number of uranium and non-uranium projects at various stages of development - from exploration to wide-scale industrial operation. JSC ARMZ has unique competences in the field of uranium mining: the Company concentrates many years of experience of mining in a variety of geological and climatic conditions.
ARMZ’s public annual report 2013 ranked among the Top 5 in terms of quality of presentation among the 140 largest companies of Russia, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Ukraine. Integrated annual report of ARMZ for the first time was prepared in accordance with GRI G4 Guidelines baseline. This year the main emphasis in the preparation of the report was made on disclosure of the most material aspects that were selected by questioning stakeholders.
In her speech, Victoria Dolina addressed the shortcomings of modern public corporate reporting and explained the reasons for creation of IIRC. Another case was proposed, dedicated to development of public reporting system in Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation and its entities. The hands-on experience of integrated reporting at ARMZ attracted greatest interest among the audience. Quite a busy schedule and the need for dialogue with stakeholders were a surprise. Due to the fact that ARMZ prepares public annual reports in accordance with international standards AA1000SES, GRI etc. the interaction between the company and its stakeholders during preparation of the report is specifically recognized as one of the key tools to improve the quality of the final product. Dialogues accompany all stages of preparation of the report, ensuring the required degree of involvement of stakeholders. During the dialogue, ARMZ receives requests from stakeholders regarding disclosure of information in the report being prepared, and later, giving answers to specific questions in the finished report, the company becomes more transparent, and the report becomes focused on its readers and interesting for them in the first place.
GSOM students were able to get answers to all their questions as to how the company determines the priority topics, who is invited to participate in the dialogue, and which methods of promotion of reports are used.