ProPhotonix Extends LOTUS LED Line Lights
LOTUS is a compact, robust LED line light designed specifically for machine vision applications. LOTUS line lights may now be configured with up to 3 different wavelengths; including Red-Green-Blue (RGB) and Infra-Red (IR) with various wavelengths including White as examples of available configurations. The multi-wavelength LOTUS also features integrated intensity control of each wavelength, which provides the user with even greater flexibility.
The LOTUS uses the latest in LED technology and optics to produce a bright, uniform light. The mechanical design is modular and available in any length up to 5 meters, in 100mm increments. In addition, the LOTUS product range offers a 5 year lifetime with maintenance free operation. For higher intensity applications, a water-cooled version is available in the same compact form factor.
Simon Stanley, Managing Director of ProPhotonix IRL Limited stated, "For many years, ProPhotonix has been working with our OEM customers to provide multi-wavelength solutions. Today, we are delighted to introduce the multi-wavelength LOTUS, as an additional product within our LED line light series. This new product is available to ship immediately. "