Fitch Withdraws Ratings on Certain Municipal Bond Maturities
-- Albany Capital Resource Corporation (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2011 (all maturities);
-- Albany Industrial Development Agency (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2008A (all maturities);
-- Albany Industrial Development Agency (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2008B (prerefunded maturities only);
-- Albany Industrial Development Agency (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2008C (all maturities);
-- Albany Industrial Development Agency (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2008D (prerefunded maturities only);
-- Albany Industrial Development Agency (NY) (St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany Project) civic facilities revenue bonds series 2008E (all maturities);
-- Comal Independent School District (TX) unlimited tax school building bonds series 2007 (prerefunded maturities only);
-- Massachusetts, Commonwealth of (MA) (Senior Federal Highway Grant Anticipation Note Program) special obligation refunding notes series 2010A (all maturities).