Huawei Releases Industry’s First High Throughput Router (HTR) for an Optimized Ultra-HD Video Experience
In the era of FMC2.0 (FBB + MBB + Content), video streaming featuring a smooth and superior user experience has become an important component in the service portfolio of carriers. The large-scale development of MBB 2K and FBB 4K video services creates significant challenges for operator backhaul networks. In theory, a 100 Mbit/s physical bandwidth should be able to meet the transmission requirements of 2K/4K video services, but this is not often the case in reality. The effective bandwidth obtained by a user, known as throughput, is frequently affected by delay and packet loss, and usually much smaller than the physical bandwidth. Generally, a 100 Mbit/s physical bandwidth is able to provide throughput of only 23 Mbit/s. As a result, operators need a large bandwidth and large throughput to ensure a quality 2K/4K video service experience.
Huawei’s HTR provides 400G capacity and will support smooth evolution to 1T/2T in the future, making it an effective solution for MBB 2K and FBB 4K service backhaul. It includes a unique Smart Service Acceleration Engine (SSAE) that incorporates three key technologies: network status sensing, packet loss identification and packet recovery, and delay compensation. With these technologies, the HTR overcomes the three major problems that affect the 2K/4K service experience including slow start, image defects, and lag, to ensure a stable throughput and guarantee an optimal 2K/4K video service experience.
In addition, Huawei’s HTR provides differentiated service acceleration capabilities for different OTTs and users, helps operators to effectively integrate services and network resources, creates new business value for the Internet industry chain, and achieves a win-win-win situation for users, OTTs, and operators.