17.03.2015, 08:34
The AGM of Aamal endorses all items on its agenda
OREANDA-NEWS. Aamal Company theresults of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly Meetings held on Monday 16/03/201 the (AGM) hasdiscussed all the agenda items and issued the following resolutions:
RESULTS OF the Ordinary General Assembly of AamalCompany Q.S.C.
Hearing Chairman Report on the Company’s activities, financial position for the financial yearended 31st December 2014 and its business plan for the year 2015.
The Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Managing Directorpresented the board report on the Company’s activities, main achievements in 2014 and future plans.
Hearing the external auditor’s report on the Company’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2014. Representative of KPMG presented the auditor’s reportfor the year ended 31st December 2014.
Discussing and approving the Company’s financialstatements for the financial year ended 31st December 2014.
The financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2014 were discussed and the results were approved.
1. Approving the Board of Directors proposal to distribute 10% cash dividend of the nominal value ofthe company’s share, which is equivalent to QAR one (1) per each share andbonus share of 5% of the nominal value of the company’s share. Such cashdividend and bonus shares shall be distributed among the shareholders, currentat the date of the General Assembly Meeting.
The General Assembly approved theBoard of Directors proposal to distribute 10% cash dividend of the nominalvalue of the company’s share, which is equivalent to QAR one (1) per each shareand bonus share of 5% of the nominal value of the company’s share. Such cash dividend and bonus sharesshall be distributed among the shareholders, current at the date of the GeneralAssembly Meeting.
Absolving members ofthe Board of Directors from their responsibilities for the fiscal year ended 31st December 2014, determine and approve their remuneration. The General Assembly approvedreleasing the Chairman and the board members from liability for the financialyear ended 31st December 2014 and also approved a remuneration ofQAR200,000 for each member. Discussing the Company’s Corporate Governance Compliance Report.
The General Assembly has discussedand approved the Corporate Governance Compliance Report. Appointing an External Auditor for the financial year2015 and approving the auditor’s fees. The General Assemblyapproved the appointment of KPMG as auditors for the Company for the year 2015with a fee of QAR 450,000.
1. Discussing the proposal of the Board ofDirectors resolved on 10th of December 2014 to increase the allowed sharepercentages to be owned by foreign shareholders in the company''''s shares up to 49% of the total shares of the Company. This is in accordance with theprovisions of Law No. 9 of 2014 amending some provisions of Law No. 13 of 2000 related to the foreign capital investment in economic sector. The General Assemblyapprovedto increase the allowed share percentages to be owned by foreignshareholders in the company''''s shares up to 49% of the total shares of theCompany and all official requirements has been obtained from concerned parties.
2. In the event of approving the aboveproposal by the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly; discussing the amendment ofArticle (22) of the Articles of Association by adding second paragraph to beread as follows: (As stipulated in these articles, each shareentitles its owner an equal right equivalent to the other shares in thecompany’s properties and the distributed profits without differences. Inaccordance with Law no. (9/2014) which amended certain provisions of Law no.(13/2000) related to the investment of non-Qatari capital in the economy; it ispermitted for the non-Qatari investors to own up to (49%) of the company’scapital). The General Assemblyapprovedthe amendment of Article (22) of the Articles ofAssociation by adding second paragraph to be read as follows: (As stipulated inthese articles, each share entitles its owner an equal right equivalent to theother shares in the company’s properties and the distributed profits withoutdifferences. In accordance with Law no. (9/2014) which amended certain provisionsof Law no. (13/2000) related to the investment of non-Qatari capital in theeconomy; it is permitted for the non-Qatari investors to own up to (49%) of thecompany’s capital).
3. Approving the suggestion of theOrdinary General Assembly Meeting to increase the share capital of the Companyby 5% aggregating to 30,000,000 shares to become 630,000,000 shares. The General Assemblyapproved to increase the share capital of the Company by 5% aggregating to30,000,000 shares to become 630,000,000 shares.
4. Amending Article 6 of the Articles ofAssociation to increase the share capital of the Company by 5% aggregating to 30 million shares with a nominal value of QAR 300 million. The share capitalwill become QAR 6,300,000,000 distributed over 630,000,000 shares and toauthorize the Board of Directors to manage the fraction of the shares. The General Assembly approved the amendment to Article 6 of the Articles ofAssociation as follows: The provision of Article 6 before incorporating the proposed amendment: “The Company’scapital has been fixed at QAR 6,000,000,000 divided into 600,000,000 shares,the nominal value of each share is QAR 10, in addition to issuance fees of 1% of the nominal value of the Company’s shares.” The provision ofArticle 6 after the proposed amendment: “The Company’scapital is QAR 6,300,000,000 (Six Billion and three hundred million QatariRiyals), divided into 630,000,000 ordinary nominal shares, the value of eachshare is QR10 (Ten Qatari Riyals).”
RESULTS OF the Ordinary General Assembly of AamalCompany Q.S.C.
Hearing Chairman Report on the Company’s activities, financial position for the financial yearended 31st December 2014 and its business plan for the year 2015.
The Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Managing Directorpresented the board report on the Company’s activities, main achievements in 2014 and future plans.
Hearing the external auditor’s report on the Company’s Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2014. Representative of KPMG presented the auditor’s reportfor the year ended 31st December 2014.
Discussing and approving the Company’s financialstatements for the financial year ended 31st December 2014.
The financial statements for the year ended 31st December 2014 were discussed and the results were approved.
1. Approving the Board of Directors proposal to distribute 10% cash dividend of the nominal value ofthe company’s share, which is equivalent to QAR one (1) per each share andbonus share of 5% of the nominal value of the company’s share. Such cashdividend and bonus shares shall be distributed among the shareholders, currentat the date of the General Assembly Meeting.
The General Assembly approved theBoard of Directors proposal to distribute 10% cash dividend of the nominalvalue of the company’s share, which is equivalent to QAR one (1) per each shareand bonus share of 5% of the nominal value of the company’s share. Such cash dividend and bonus sharesshall be distributed among the shareholders, current at the date of the GeneralAssembly Meeting.
Absolving members ofthe Board of Directors from their responsibilities for the fiscal year ended 31st December 2014, determine and approve their remuneration. The General Assembly approvedreleasing the Chairman and the board members from liability for the financialyear ended 31st December 2014 and also approved a remuneration ofQAR200,000 for each member. Discussing the Company’s Corporate Governance Compliance Report.
The General Assembly has discussedand approved the Corporate Governance Compliance Report. Appointing an External Auditor for the financial year2015 and approving the auditor’s fees. The General Assemblyapproved the appointment of KPMG as auditors for the Company for the year 2015with a fee of QAR 450,000.
1. Discussing the proposal of the Board ofDirectors resolved on 10th of December 2014 to increase the allowed sharepercentages to be owned by foreign shareholders in the company''''s shares up to 49% of the total shares of the Company. This is in accordance with theprovisions of Law No. 9 of 2014 amending some provisions of Law No. 13 of 2000 related to the foreign capital investment in economic sector. The General Assemblyapprovedto increase the allowed share percentages to be owned by foreignshareholders in the company''''s shares up to 49% of the total shares of theCompany and all official requirements has been obtained from concerned parties.
2. In the event of approving the aboveproposal by the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly; discussing the amendment ofArticle (22) of the Articles of Association by adding second paragraph to beread as follows: (As stipulated in these articles, each shareentitles its owner an equal right equivalent to the other shares in thecompany’s properties and the distributed profits without differences. Inaccordance with Law no. (9/2014) which amended certain provisions of Law no.(13/2000) related to the investment of non-Qatari capital in the economy; it ispermitted for the non-Qatari investors to own up to (49%) of the company’scapital). The General Assemblyapprovedthe amendment of Article (22) of the Articles ofAssociation by adding second paragraph to be read as follows: (As stipulated inthese articles, each share entitles its owner an equal right equivalent to theother shares in the company’s properties and the distributed profits withoutdifferences. In accordance with Law no. (9/2014) which amended certain provisionsof Law no. (13/2000) related to the investment of non-Qatari capital in theeconomy; it is permitted for the non-Qatari investors to own up to (49%) of thecompany’s capital).
3. Approving the suggestion of theOrdinary General Assembly Meeting to increase the share capital of the Companyby 5% aggregating to 30,000,000 shares to become 630,000,000 shares. The General Assemblyapproved to increase the share capital of the Company by 5% aggregating to30,000,000 shares to become 630,000,000 shares.
4. Amending Article 6 of the Articles ofAssociation to increase the share capital of the Company by 5% aggregating to 30 million shares with a nominal value of QAR 300 million. The share capitalwill become QAR 6,300,000,000 distributed over 630,000,000 shares and toauthorize the Board of Directors to manage the fraction of the shares. The General Assembly approved the amendment to Article 6 of the Articles ofAssociation as follows: The provision of Article 6 before incorporating the proposed amendment: “The Company’scapital has been fixed at QAR 6,000,000,000 divided into 600,000,000 shares,the nominal value of each share is QAR 10, in addition to issuance fees of 1% of the nominal value of the Company’s shares.” The provision ofArticle 6 after the proposed amendment: “The Company’scapital is QAR 6,300,000,000 (Six Billion and three hundred million QatariRiyals), divided into 630,000,000 ordinary nominal shares, the value of eachshare is QR10 (Ten Qatari Riyals).”