OREANDA-NEWS. Fitch Ratings assigns the following expected ratings to Sierra Timeshare 2015-1 Receivables Funding LLC:

--\$ 197,220,000 class A asset-backed notes 'Asf'; Outlook Stable;
--\$ 52,780,000 class B asset-backed notes 'BBBsf'; Outlook Stable.


Stable Collateral Quality: Approximately 64% of Sierra 2015-1 consists of WVRI-originated loans; the remaining are WRDC loans. Fitch has determined that, on a like-for-like FICO basis, WRDC's receivables perform better than WVRI's. The weighted average (WA) current FICO score of the pool is 721. However, seasoning has declined relative to 2014-3.

Continued Recent Stabilization in WVRI Performance: Similar to other timeshare originators, Wyndham Worldwide's delinquency and default performance exhibited notable increases in the 2007-2008 vintages. However, WRDC's performance has improved since 2009, while WVRI continues to experience high defaults. Nonetheless, the 2013 vintage within the WVRI portfolio demonstrates relative stabilization in default performance. Fitch's CGD Proxy for this pool is 19.00%.

Lower CE Structure: Initial hard credit enhancement (CE) is expected to be 31.50% and 12.50% for class A and B notes, respectively, lower than Series 2014-3. Soft CE is also provided by excess spread and is expected to be 9.67% per annum. While down, the structure is able to support multiples in excess of 2.50x and 1.75x for 'Asf' and 'BBBsf' ratings, respectively.

Quality of Origination/Servicing: Wyndham Worldwide has demonstrated sufficient abilities as an originator and servicer of timeshare loans. This is evidenced by the historical delinquency and loss performance of securitized trusts and of the managed portfolio.

Legal Structure Integrity: The legal structure of the transaction should provide that a bankruptcy of Wyndham Worldwide and Wyndham Consumer Finance, Inc. (WCF) would not impair the timeliness of payments on the securities.


Unanticipated increases in the frequency of defaults could produce cumulative gross default (CGD) levels higher than the base case and would likely result in declines of credit enhancement and remaining default coverage levels available to the notes. Additionally, unanticipated increases in prepayment activity could also result in a decline in coverage. Decreased default coverage may make certain note ratings susceptible to potential negative rating actions, depending on the extent of the decline in coverage.

Thus, Fitch conducts sensitivity analysis stressing both a transaction's initial base case CGD and prepayment assumptions by 1.5x and 2.0x and examining the rating implications on all classes of issued notes. The 1.5x and 2.0x increases of the base case CGD and prepayment assumptions represent moderate and severe stresses, respectively, and are intended to provide an indication of the rating sensitivity of notes to unexpected deterioration of a trust's performance.

Key Rating Drivers and Rating Sensitivities are further described in the presale report dated March 12, 2015. Fitch's analysis of the Representations and Warranties (R&W) of this transaction can be found in 'Sierra Timeshare 2015-1 Receivables Funding LLC - Appendix'. These R&Ws are compared to those of typical R&W for the asset class as detailed in the special report 'Representations, Warranties, and Enforcement Mechanisms in Global Structured Finance Transactions' dated April 17, 2012.