Annual general meeting of ATFBank shareholders to be held on April 23, 2015
- approval of the Agenda of the general meeting of the Bank's shareholders;
- approval of the composition and term of office of the Bank's tabulation
committee, election of its members;
- approval of amendments and additions No. 1 in the Bank's charter;
- approval of the audited financial statements and the audited consolidated
financial statements for 2014;
- approval of the procedure of distribution of the Bank's 2014 net income;
- making decision on dividend payout on the Bank's shares;
- appeals of shareholders over actions of the Bank and its shareholders and
results of such consideration;
- informing shareholders of the amount and composition of remuneration
payable to members of the Board of Directors and Management Board in
- approval of the report on the activities of the Board of Directors of the Bank
in 2014 financial year.
The said meeting will be held at 98А Panfilov str., Almaty. Participants of the
meeting will be registered starting from 10:45 o'clock.
The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the said meeting will be
drawn up as of April 1, 2015.
In case of quorum absence a repeated shareholders meeting will be held on April
24, 2015 at the same time at the above address.
Shareholders may get an access to the meeting's Agenda materials between April
12 and 22, 2015 at 98А Panfilov str., Almaty, office 605, tel.: (727) 258 30 00,
ext. 2612, 1666