OREANDA-NEWS. Subassembly of the NBL-91 project barges (manufacturing orders 10007-10009) has been started at NIBULON shipbuilding and repair yard.

At present the company's shipbuilders continue to produce flat plates (of outer plating, inner side and inner bottom of the parallel middle body) for three vessels. 83 flat plates (38% of the total number) have been already produced.

In particular, according to Roman Yefymenko, a head of project management at the shipyard, the shipbuilders have installed plates for the units No.2 and No.3 of the first non-self-propelled vessel. The shipbuilders started to install bottom subsections on the inner bottom plates. At the same time they have started the subassembly of other units (No.1 and No.6), and the upper deck plates have been already produced.

Pallada state plant (Kherson) is busy working. The plant cut 255 plates of metal-roll which comprises 22% of the total volume for three vessels. The parts are being produced, delivered to Mykolayiv city, primed and cleaned without a break. At present the company's shipyard has already received 135 tons of finished parts that are completed according to the shipbuilding order and transferred to the assembly and welding workshop.

The shipbuilders continue to construct three tugs of the 121 project. The specialists of the mechanical and fitter's area are preparing to equip spaces and to assemble navigation rooms. Thus, the specialists are producing frames for cable paths, shafts and other small parts.

The schedules are unchangeable. NIBULON's shipbuilders will transfer the tugs to the shipping company in April 2015, and NIBULON's non-self-propelled vessels will join the fleet family in July 2015.