Fitch Withdraws Ratings on Certain Municipal Bond Maturities
-- El Paso Independent School Distirct (TX) unlimited tax school building bonds series 2005 (prerefunded maturities only);
-- El Paso Independent School Distirct (TX) unlimited tax school building bonds series 2006 (prerefunded maturities only);
-- El Paso Independent School Distirct (TX) unlimited tax school building bonds series 2007 (prerefunded maturities only);
-- Florida, State of (FL) (Department of Management Services - Correctional Finance Corp.) certificates of participation series 2006A (all maturities);
-- Palm Beach County (FL) water & sewer revenue bonds series 2006A (prerefunded maturities only);
-- Rockport (TX) combination tax & revenue certificates of obligation series 2007 (prerefunded maturities only).