CAPI: JSC Capitalia unaudited consolidated accounts for 12 months of year 2014
- Turnover growth by 130%, reaching EUR 394 thousands;
- Total asset amount almost doubled reaching EUR 1.4 millions;
- Net losses decreased compared to previous reporting period and amount to EUR 42 thousands;
- Total of 153 businesses financed for the amount of EUR 1.6 millions.
In 2014 company finalized a number of reorganization processes in order to grow the equity capital of Capitalia, as well as changed the legal status of the company from limited liability to joint stock company. In the fall of 2014 Capitalia successfully placed bonds in NASDAQ Riga stock exchange, as well as started implementation of state microlending support program, administered by Latvian Guarantee agency. As of the end of 2014 the total amount of attracted subordinated capital from Latvian Guarantee agency has been in the amount of EUR 100 thousands. The above-mentioned state support program allows Capitalia to issue significantly cheaper loans to businesses.