VimpelCom appoints Morten Karlsen Sorby as new Director
OREANDA-NEWS. VimpelCom Ltd. announced today that its Supervisory Board has approved the appointment of Morten Karlsen Sorby as a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board as the replacement of Jon Fredrik Baksaas. Mr. Baksaas previously appointed Kjell Morten Johnsen to act as his alternate on the Supervisory Board with authority to exercise his vote. Kjell Morten Johnsen will continue to serve as a member of the Company’s Supervisory Board in his own capacity.
Mr. Sorby joined the Telenor Group in 1993 as a Vice President in Norsk Telekom, a subgroup of the Telenor Group. He then served as Senior Vice President, General Manager and Deputy CEO in a number of Telenor Group companies between 1995 and 2002. Mr. Sorby sat on the board of directors of VimpelCom Russia from 2000 to 2003. He has been the Executive Vice President of the Telenor Group since 2003 when he was also appointed Head of the Norwegian Market of the Telenor Group. He became Head of the Nordic Region in 2005 and was appointed Head of Corporate Development in 2009 and Head of Strategy and Regulatory Affairs in 2011. In 2014, Mr. Sorby served as CEO of Uninor, an Indian Telenor Group Company. Mr. Sorby has also been chairman of several boards of directors of Telenor Group companies in Norway, Denmark and Sweden since 2005 and has been a board member of Digi, a Telenor Group company in Malaysia since 2013. Prior to joining the Telenor Group, Mr. Sorby worked at Arthur Andersen & Co. in Oslo for about 10 years. Mr. Sorby received his Master of Science degree in business administration from the University of Karlstad, Sweden in 1983. He is a state licensed public accountant in Norway and completed the Program for Executive Development at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1997.