OREANDA-NEWS. IDGC of Centre summed up conducting electrical safety lessons in 2014. These sessions are an important part of IDGC of Centre’s systematic work carried out on the prevention of children’s electrical injuries and are held in all branches of the company. In total, over the past year about two thousand lessons were organized.

Classes are held in educational institutions, and during the summer holidays - in summer recreational camps. In total, about 46 thousand children and adolescents attended them. Power engineers told them about the basic rules of electrical safety in the street and at home, studied with them warning signs and CPR and first aid to the victim, acquainted them with electric grid facilities. To consolidate the material representatives of production safety units of the branches of IDGC of Centre showed the children themed videos, distributed specially made posters, booklets, and books of poetry on electrical safety.

And original developments were applied. Thus, employees of Kurskenergo used during their lessons specifically designed presentations for younger schoolchildren (grade 1 to 7) and older (grade 8 to 11). And their colleagues from Lipetskenergo used a special edition of the regional newspaper "The Golden Key", prepared by the power engineers together with the editorial board within the project "Be aware of the electric current" and containing informative and entertaining facts about electricity, themed quizzes and crosswords.

In 2015 IDGC of Centre will continue conducting electrical safety lessons. In total, the company has planned to hold more than 2,100 classes, which, as expected, will be attended by more than 50 thousand children. About one hundred lessons already passed in January.