PrivatBank Launches System of Secure Payments via Smartphones
OREANDA-NEWS. PrivatBank has launched the first mass system of secure payments via smartphones in Ukraine - AirPay, which will work on any phone and with most POS-terminals.
Unlike other contactless systems, AirPay does not require upgrading of point of sale terminals, or a special buyer's device. The service runs on any Android-smartphone or iPhone. To pay for purchases via AirPay it is enough that the trading point is equipped with a PrivatBank POS-terminal and the application is installed on the buyer's smartphone.
PrivatBank terminals are installed in 70% of outlets in Ukraine. Now there are more than 3,000 outlets in which the equipment of PrivatBank is installed and is already connected to the AirPay technology. In the near future the bank plans to connect another 20,000 outlets, and eventually POS-terminals in 90,000 outlets all over the country will have the new functionality. "Expensive infrastructure is not needed for our contactless payments. If the outlet has a POS-terminal of PrivatBank, it is ready to accept payments through AirPay, - said the First Deputy Chairman of PrivatBank Oleg Gorokhovskiy. - Contactless payment through AirPay is completely safe and free. In addition, it is easy to use."
One of the advantages of this technology is that customers do not need to give the card to the cashier or waiter, and therefore it is impossible to intercept card details. The application determines the model of POS-terminal and chooses one of two methods of payment:
contactless payment - a client makes the purchase in the application by himself / herself, and the check is printed at the terminal point of the outlet. The whole operation takes less than 30 seconds;
payment by code - for some models of terminals the application generates a code for payment, consisting of 3 digits. The cashier should go to the "Tools" menu at the terminal, choose "Payment code" and enter the code. In this case, the transaction lasts for 1 - 2 seconds.
After downloading the application the client is instructed to set a 4-digit password and set up automatic turn on of geolocation within AirPay. Then everything is simple: a customer has to choose one of the proposed shops, the card that he / she wants to pay with and the payment amount.
To activate the application the PrivatBank card is needed, the "Universalna" card may be issued at the bank for free. Cards of any Ukrainian banks may be added to a wallet AirPay and it is possible to make payments without the card.