UAZ Plans to Increase Exports by 30% in 2015
OREANDA-NEWS. Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant in 2015 expects to increase exports by about 30% compared to the last year, when it was delivered about 6.5 million UAZ vehicles to the foreign markets.
"For 2015 it is quite difficult to predict the volume of exports, too many uncertainties: the behavior of the ruble against the major currencies and the behavior of exchange in importing countries, the economic situation of the partner countries, the activity of the government in supporting exports, changes in trade policies in respect of goods from Russia in other countries. While we set ourselves as a target export growth by about 30% with respect to the fact of 2014, "- the press service of Sollers informed the agency "AUTOSTAT", which includes the Ulyanovsk plant.
The main export market of UAZ is the CIS countries, where the commercial range of UAZ and SUVs Hunter are traditionally in demand, but today the situation is changing - there is a growing share of UAZ Patriot and UAZ Pickup.
The largest share in the export of UAZ is taken by Kazakhstan, where the company intends to strengthen its position. "The devaluation of the tenge at the beginning of 2014 affected the consumer power of the population, as well as procurement opportunities from corporate clients, together with the opportunity to buy cars in Russia in November-December of 2014 in more favorable terms due to the devaluation of the ruble and the launch of incentive measures in Russia. It was a reason of a slight decline in car sales in Kazakhstan with respect to forecasts of market participants. For 2015, while maintaining the current situation with the ruble / KZT, we forecast the possibility of increasing the share of Russian vehicles in the market of the country", - remarked the press service of Sollers.
But sales of UAZ vehicles in the Ukrainian market dropped significantly. "In the Ukraine partners of UAZ by car sales, service network continue to work. But, of course, car sales dropped significantly. Sanctions against Russia affected on the ability for export, in particular, it affects the conditions for financing the supply of UAZ", - informed the press service of Sollers.
Meanwhile, taking into account the devaluation of the ruble the company sees the potential for development in the coming years in the supply of non-CIS countries, informed Sollers.