OREANDA-NEWS. The Balakovo NPP is testing a new full-scale simulator (FSS) - prototype of the power unit №1 and equipment of classrooms in the new third building accounting training center station, where the simulator had been installed. It was commissioned in December 2014.

Testing of the full-scale simulator beyond pilot operation was conducted in different modes. Comments of instructors, which emerged during the testing, are eliminated by the training center developers - the specialists of the "VNIIAES", who are always "on the spot". The plans of the training center to conduct acceptance testing of the new FSS and complete the entire set of measures for its start-up training by the beginning of September. Thus, the fall cycle of training of operating personnel will be carried out not only on the currently valid full-scale simulator, the prototype of the power unit №4, but also on the new one.

The decision to develop and implement the new full-scale simulator and also to construct a building for it was accepted as part of life extension of the power unit №1. Prerequisite is an exact match to the prototype, not only in equipment and devices, their location and function, but even in the color of the walls and floor. "Staff should feel as they are on the power unit, - says the head of maintenance UTC Anatoly Davydov. -Our operational staff will practice their skills in management of energy exactly here, these skills should be become automatic. "The new simulator takes into account all the changes made in the modernization of the power unit №1 equipment. There the staff from the power units №1 and №2 will be trained and the staff from the the power units № 3 and №4 will be trained at the existing FSS. The presence of two full-scale simulators will allow to conduct training cycles more accurately adjusting to the needs of the operation.

"The new full-scale simulator is a powerful technical mean of education, created using the most advanced technologies and equipment, - said the deputy chief engineer for training, the head of the UTC Yevgeny Matveyev. - Its use will provide more efficient staff training for more safe and reliable operation of the Balakovo NPP."