OREANDA-NEWS. Oleo e Gas Participaoees S.A. - Em Recuperacao Judicial ("OGPar" or "Company") (BM&FBOVESPA: OGXP3; OTC: OGXPY.PK), in accordance with article 157, paragraph 4 of Brazilian Law No. 6.404/76 and CVM Rule No. 358/02, announces to its shareholders and to the market that received, on the date hereof, a resignation letter from the Company’s Chairman and member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Eike Fuhrken Batista.

The resignation occurs after the successful fulfillment of the main stages of the Company's restructuring plan and its subsidiary OGX Petroleo e Gas - Em Recuperacao Judicial, notably the approval of its restructuring plan by a large majority of creditors in a Creditors Meeting, followed by their plans’ judicial confirmation, the obtaining of OGX Petroleo e Gas S.A. registration as a Public Company and the capitalization of pre-petition debt and of certain other credits held by creditors not subject to the Judicial Reorganization, as already disclosed in the material facts of 06.03.2014, 09.18.2014 and 10.16.2014, respectively.