OREANDA-NEWS.The Commission vice-president for growth and investment, Jyrki Katainen, called on Parliament on Wednesday to do its utmost to ensure the Juncker plan for strategic investment would be up and running by June. He stressed the importance of the plan's three pillars: the fund itself, the project pipeline and the completion of the internal market.

Most political groups welcomed the plan but some asked whether it was substantial enough while others doubted that it could be effective in building the confidence of private investors amid the uncertainly on the markets following the Greek elections.

Some speakers endorsed the plan but saw the euro as the real problem in Europe's stagnating economy. Others said clamping down on tax evasion or doing away with austerity policies would be more effective in getting public investment back on track.

The Juncker plan featured in two debates in Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee in the past week.