OREANDA-NEWS. Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (“MTS” or the “Company” – NYSE: MBT), the leading telecommunications provider in Russia and the CIS, announces that it has completed integration of Rich Communications Services (RCS) technology on its mobile network in Moscow. MTS has begun testing the RCS standard developed by the GSMA and plans for a commercial launch of the platform in 2015.

Rich Communications Services (RCS) is a platform that enables the delivery of communication experiences beyond voice and SMS, providing consumers with instant messaging or chat, live video and file sharing across various devices, on any network – 2G/3G/LTE or WiFi. By simply enabling RCS on their device, users can more broadly communicate with other RCS users through traditional mobile network products or via RCS.

To date, RCS has been launched by 41 operators in 32 countries. MTS is the first operator to trial RCS in Russia and the CIS.

MTS embraced RCS after extensive tests conducted on networks of its strategic partner, Vodafone. MTS has already launched the RCS platform in a technical test mode in Moscow. In 2015, MTS plans to expand the service to other regions in Russia.

By the time services commence, RCS functionality will be pre-installed on MTS-branded smartphones, compatible functionality will be available on the most popular models of devices running on the Android and Windows Phone operating systems. Any person using Android and iOS devices will be able to download a dedicated app from MTS to gain access to RCS.

Mr. Vasyl Latsanych, MTS Vice President and CMO, commented, “Currently 40% of iOS and Android smartphone owners aren’t using data services on a regular basis. By offering customers through RCS ubiquitous connectivity across devices and ecosystems, MTS aims to engage these individuals in using data products. At the same time, RCS offers a reliable alternative for customers already using OTT services, a product which ensures a high quality voice and data connection and better protection of users’ personal data.”

According to Infonetics Research consultancy, from 2012 – 2016 operators revenues from RCS will amount to \$1.6 billion globally. Juniper Research consultancy forecasts that by 2018 the volume of messages sent globally using RCS will have increased to over 83 billion per year.