Ingosstrakh Renews Obligatory Cargo Reinsurance Contract for 2015
OREANDA-NEWS. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company has renewed its outward reinsurance contract for cargo with the limit of coverage of USD 247,5 m. Thus, the facility of the cargo reinsurance contract renewed by Ingosstrakh Insurance Company remains the highest in the Russian market.
The subject of the contract is quite broad: insurance coverage for cargo is provided against all risks, including the risks involved in the transportation of valuables, rough diamonds, cash, military equipment, as well as "nail to nail" insurance coverage for cultural values, i.e., for the whole period of transportation and exhibition.
98% of the contract has been placed in Lloyd's syndicates (rated A+ by S&P). The leader of the reinsurance contract is Lloyd's Cathedral syndicate (No. 3010).