Russia Develops Specific Requirements for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
OREANDA-NEWS. Ministry of Industry and Trade instructed the scientific research Automobile Institute (NAMI) to conduct laboratory testing of electric and hybrid vehicles. Purpose - is to examine all the risks in the operation of such equipment: overvoltage during charging, short circuit, insulation breakdown, etc., as well as accidents and other emergency situations involving such transport. In 2016, by the results of this work it is planned to create special security requirements, which each hybrid and electric car, imported or produced in Russia, must meet, wrote the newspaper "Izvestia".
As noted in the Ministry of Industry, at the moment in Russia it is not enough examined the issues of active and passive electrical hybrids and electric vehicles. Rescue teams do not have remedies and instructions in case of fire suppression or elimination of the consequences of accidents, involving these vehicles. Particular danger to people is toxic electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries (liquid causes burns), requiring additional fire safety rules and regulations ways to neutralize.
"Chargers for vehicles with a combined power plants and electric vehicles require increased security measures when working with them, otherwise it may result in electric shock or death," - argue in the Ministry of Industry. - "The absence of additional insulation, more dust- and water-resistance can cause electric shock when the long-term operation of the vehicle, as well as in certain weather conditions."
Research will be conducted within the framework of the federal target program "Improving of road safety in the 2013-2020 years." The federal program is going to decrease road deaths by 2020, by 8,000 people (28.8%) relative to 2012. Among the tasks of NAMI, there is the development of means of control of insulation resistance between the high voltage and low-voltage network of cars. The decision about whether Russian sensors will be installed mandatory on-board system of all-electric vehicles will be made on the results of the research of institute. In addition, we will create an information base for the Ministry of Emergency and the traffic police, where it will be regulated ways to neutralize the consequences of emergency cases of electric vehicles and hybrids. In addition, the Institute will develop a draft of amendments to the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of vehicles" that define additional requirements for electric cars and hybrids.