Rosbank Is in TOP-5 Market Issues Arrangers in CBonds League Tables
OREANDA-NEWS. CBonds information agency has published arrangers' league tables for the Russian domestic bonds market for 2014. The ranking contains more than 30 participants that arranged market placements totaling 1.3 trn rubles. According to the agency, the number of participants and the total volume of issues last year decreased due to complicated overseas and macroeconomic situation.
Rosbank is in TOP-5 leading market issues arrangers, occupying the 4th position in the league tables. The bank took part in the 19 market deals totaling 53.8 bln rubles. Rosbank's market share is 11.14%. The bank also took #2 position among underwriters of market issues and rounds TOP-5 arrangers of corporate bonds (26 issues in the amount of 73.9 bln rubles, 16 of those were market issues) and municipal bonds (3 issues in the amount of 5.7 bln rubles).
Anton Kiryukhin, Head of Debt Capital Markets in CMIB, commented on the ranking results: "2014 was a tough year for the primary market, many transactions were non-market and technical. In the real deals market segment Rosbank has been one of the most active players and has significantly improved its position from #6 to #4. We have secured the leading position among international banks on this market and decreased the gap to Russian government banks to historical minimum. It is the result of well-coordinated work of the Bank's DCM as well as Sales &Trading teams. In 2014 Rosbank arranged a number of landmark issues such as Volkswagen Bank Rus, Russian Agricultural Bank (voted best primary placement of the Year by market participants), DeltaCredit Bank, International Investment Bank, Rusfinance Bank, Samara Region, Volgograd Region etc. Over the years, Rosbank has built a strong Fixed income platform: despite the difficult market environment, we aim to continue to provide the best services to our clients, both issuers and investors".