Ingosstrakh Insures Civil Liability of TehGazService
OREANDA-NEWS. The civil liability of TehGazService CJSC, the owner of the filling station in Kazan where an explosion took place, was insured by Ingosstrakh Insurance Company. In accordance with the current legislation, the total sum insured under the contract amounts to RUB 10 m.
On December 24, 2014, there was an explosion in the premises of TehGazService CJSC at 69a Belomorskaya Street. One person was killed in the accident, and one more was hospitalized with injures. The building of the fueling station was partially destroyed, and three vehicles parked nearby were damaged. The accident was presumably caused by the rupture of an oxygen tank.
TehGazService's activities involve refilling oxygen and acetylene cylinders used in welding operations. The station belongs to the category of hazardous industrial facilities subject to compulsory insurance.
The incident is currently under investigation, which is to be used as the basis for the Ingosstrakh Insurance Company's decision on the insurance compensation.
According to the law On Mandatory Insurance of Civil Liability of Owners of Hazardous Facilities (OPO), the victims are entitled to compensation for injury in the amount of up to 2 million rubles, depending on the severity of the injuries. The relatives of the deceased can also expect to receive compensation in the amount of the maximum limit of compensation, which is RUB 2,025,000. The damage to the insured property is compensated within the established maximum amount of damages, which is RUB 360,000 for individuals and RUB 500,000 for legal entities. The amounts in excess of the established limits are to be covered either at the expense of the tortfeasor or by means of a voluntary insurance agreement, if such agreement was concluded in addition to the mandatory agreement.
Ingosstrakh Insurance Company expresses its deepest sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.