Rosenergoatom Restarts Power Unit №2 of Balakovo NPP
OREANDA-NEWS. The power unit № 2 was restarted on December 27 at 03 hours and 10 minutes after correction of the fault at the generator at the Balakovo NPP.
Inclusion of the power unit into the network and set of load were carried out in accordance with the requirements of technological rules of safe operation without any comments.
The power units №№ 1,2 and 4 of the Balakovo NPP are carrying out the load with a total capacity of 3210 MW in accordance with the dispatch schedule as of 8 hours and 20 minutes (MSK) 29.12.14. The power unit № 3 has been in preventative maintenance since November 23, 2014.
The radiation situation in the territory of station location is unchangable: 0.08-0.1 mSv / h, which corresponds to the long-term natural values characteristic in Central Russia.