OREANDA-NEWS. SevKazEnergo JSC (Petropavlovsk, hereinafter – the company), whose bonds are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has informed KASE that on January 27, 2015 at 11:00 o'clock a general meeting of holders of bonds KZ2C0Y10D695 (KZ2C00001519, KASE official list, Rated Debt Securities category, SKENb1; KZT100, KZT8.0 bn; January 10, 2010 – January 10, 2020; semi-annual coupon 12.50 % p.a.; 30/360) will be held.

The sole issue on the agenda of the said meeting is changing data in bonds issue prospectus.

The said meeting will be held at 215 Zhambyl street, conference-hall, Petropavlovsk.

The list of bondholders entitled to take part in the meeting will be drawn up as of January 27, 2015.

In case of absence of quorum a repeated general meeting of holders bonds will be held on January 28, 2015 at the same time at the above address.

Holders of bonds can obtain agenda related materials ten days before the meeting at 215 Zhambyl street, Petropavlovsk.