KASE day session: RUBKZT_TOD = 3.4543, USDKZT_1_002 – 0.00 / 0.35
- Russian ruble with T+0 in tenge (RUBKZT_TOD),
- currency swap transactions (USDKZT_1_002, EURKZT_1_002).
No trades in US dollars with T+0 in tenge (USDKZT_TOD), euro with T+0 in tenge
(EURKZT_TOD) and US dollars (EURUSD_TOD), no currency swap transactions
USDKZT_0_001, EURKZT_0_001, USDKZT_0_002, EURKZT_0_002 were held on KASE today
due to the holidays on December 25 in the US (Christmas Day), and holidays on
December 25 and 26 in Great Britain and Germany.
Weighted average Russian ruble rate with T+0 settlements in tenge made up
KZT3.4543 per Russian ruble at the trades volume RUR156,500 th.
On the currency swap transactions market on USDKZT_1_002 at the session close
the bid made up KZT0.0000 with the ask KZT+0.3500.